The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Attended Penn State 1948-1952 on the WWII GI Bill. He is licensed by the State of California as a Professional Metallurgical Engineer. Has enjoyed continuous employment in all phases of metallurgy for 57 years in jet engine, fast-acting x-ray processing chemicals and equipment, Atlas ICBM, Centaur Space Craft, NASA Apollo program office, high rate-of-fire weapons systems, oil drilling tools, and Space Shuttle disciplines. Had personal contact with then President D.D. Eisenhower on Atlas ICBM silo failure analyses. Developed electron beam welding and heat treating techniques, automated robotic welding and hard facing techniques, established production line x-ray department, and production line electron beam welding department. Has been awarded two United States and foreign patents for titanium welding metallurgy, has lifestyle teaching credentials, the California Community Colleges, Engineering Council Distinguished Engineering Achievement Award, Astronauts Personal Silver Snoopy Award, Space Shuttle Launch Honoree and Boeing North American Engineer of the Year. Has authored and presented numerous technical papers. Is founder of ERF and Associates Consulting. Lives in Garden Grove, California with his wife of 60 years. Has three daughters, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.